Call of duty cold war multiplayer campaign
Call of duty cold war multiplayer campaign

Keep an eye out for these caches and grab them as you move through the map.Īssault is the first of two Combined Arms modes available at launch.

  • Caches spread throughout the map contain useful items like Armor, Self-Revives, Scorestreaks, and the Uranium Pouch, which increases the maximum amount of uranium you can carry.
  • Downed enemies will drop any Uranium they’ve collected, so if a bomb site is seeing a lot of action, consider taking a position at a strong vantage point and pick off incoming enemies.
  • If you’re the only squad member left standing, consider holding back until a teammate or two deploys on your position. Survey the map, decide on the best infil method, and get back into the fight.
  • Following a short respawn timer after death, you will have the option to either spawn on a teammate who is not engaged in combat or parachute into the map.
  • The first squad to reach the score limit wins.

    call of duty cold war multiplayer campaign

    At these dirty bomb sites, collected Uranium can be deposited until it’s primed for detonation.Įarn score for your team in three ways: by eliminating enemies, depositing Uranium, and detonating dirty bombs, which causes radiation to leak out in the surrounding area, forcing you to move out or suffer the consequences of weakness, fatigue, and internal bleeding.

    call of duty cold war multiplayer campaign

    Based in Fireteam, a 40-player Multiplayer experience with 10 squads of four taking part in epic multi-team firefights, Fireteam: Dirty Bomb is an objective based mode where squads must work together to take out enemies, collect Uranium caches, and locate dirty bombs scattered throughout the map.

    Call of duty cold war multiplayer campaign