It’s a good idea and I have a similar script. I see that someone else has offered up some Pythonscript for doing external compares (i.e., without the Notepad++ Compare plugin). ssageBox('select something from each view', 'Notepad++', 0) If len(selectedA) > 0 and len(selectedB) > 0:Ĭn("C:/Program Files/TortoiseSVN/bin/TortoiseMerge.exe c:/temp/mycompare/topView.txt c:/temp/mycompare/bottomView.txt") ssageBox('Open two views and select some text', 'Notepad++', 0) #console.write("\r\nviewIndexB"+str(viewIndexB)) ViewIndexB = notepad.getCurrentDocIndex(viewB) ViewIndexA = notepad.getCurrentDocIndex(viewA) Winmerge = "C:/Program Files/TortoiseSVN/bin/TortoiseMerge.exe, c:/temp/mycompare/topView.txt, c:/temp/mycompare/bottomView.txt" :) You’ll need the python script plugin and this needs to be placed in the python script directory and run from the plugin menu. This code suffers from the same malady as all my personal scripts in that as soon as it worked well enough the first time, I closed it and never cleaned it up, so YMMV and zero guarantees. Then it will fire off your chosen compare tool and feed the tool the two file names. When you fire the script it will grab both selections and write them to pre-defined file names and paths. You have to have two views open and something selected in each view. So I wrote a python script that automates the whole “saving to a file and opening in your compare tool” business. I find I often don’t want to compare a whole file, just sections of code. Here’s an alternative to the compare plugin. Use the same google method to find some threads on the compare plugin if you need some pointers on that plugin. Once you get the plugin manager going, you can find the “compare” plugin and install it. In the google search box you can type “plugin manager site:” and that will get you started. The search capabilities on this site can be a bit flaky so if you want to search the board you might want to use google. I’ve pointed out a couple of places where you can find instructions to install the plugin manger here. The easiest way to install it is with the plugin manager, which unfortunately doesn’t come with a new NPP installation anymore. There’s a compare plugin that you can install.